OK... just want to get this documented because SAVERIO and I went around in circles on this thing...
Problem started as TOMCAT doesnt work with IPv6 on XP SP2

You install IPv6... as you would any other protocol... ie right click on "Local Area Connection" and "Install" and select the IPv6 stack.
Its that easy....

Then when you type "ipconfig" in a dos screen (Run cmd)
you will see something like this.....
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : fe80::20c:f1ff:feda:e48b%4
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Then after you discover IE6 cant do IP6... you either get IE7 or the OPERA browser ..... (maybe others work as well)
and finally you type


into your new browser and you are filled with joy when you see Tomcat working.... life is terrific

Then you go type that into "another machine".... that you have also installed IPv6 on and

IT BROKEN AGAIN.... it doesnt work....

so from the other machine you

PING6 fe80::20c:f1ff:feda:e48b%5

where 5 is the LAN interface on THAT machine.... you get it by typing "ipconfig if" in the dos box.

it works.... so you try put the scope into the browser URL (ie the %5) thing... (DONT EVEN TRY THAT... it doesnt work) Eventually you have your router disconnected, you pull out your ADSL NAT.... and your hair.... and then (remember all we trying to do is get 2 machines talking ipv6 ON THE SAME SUBNET.... something that just happens with ip4) you eventually come to the conclusion... you need to buy an IP6 router... or you start trying to enter routing tables yourself... WRONG.

After reading more WRONG articles on the web that tell you to use the SCOPE (the %5 thing... in the url) you discover these two good articles

after reading them you suddenly begin to realize that.... anything that starts with fe80... is a special LOCAL link... what that means... who knows but its made automatically from the MAC address and its very local... "like it only works on the machine" local.

Then you think... well maybe IPv6 needs 2 address... the one MS give you and your own GLOBAL one.... so

then you copy an ip address like 2001:918:0:12:1::2, because you have no idea what the safe range is... like the ip4 range ;)
and you use this....

netsh interface ipv6 set address "Local Area Connection" 2001:918:0:12:1::2
(because only if you upgrade to VISTA will it be a GUI)

You pray a little and type this into the remote machine...


IT WORKS! xp is using IPv6 on a subnet...... and hallelujah! Tomcat is talking....

Then when you type "ipconfig" now after putting in the GLOBAL address.... you now have 2 ipv6 addresses, the local and the global one that works,
and it lights up like a xmas tree... you see stuff like

Guid {6838F112-23C9-46CA-9C56-694FB4584896}
uses Neighbor Discovery
uses Router Discovery
link-layer address: 00-0c-f1-da-e4-8b
  preferred global 2001:918:0:12:1::2, life infinite (manual)
  preferred link-local fe80::20c:f1ff:feda:e48b, life infinite
  multicast interface-local ff01::1, 1 refs, not reportable
  multicast link-local ff02::1, 1 refs, not reportable
  multicast link-local ff02::1:ffda:e48b, 1 refs, last reporter
  multicast link-local ff02::1:ff00:2, 1 refs, last reporter
link MTU 1500 (true link MTU 1500)
current hop limit 128
reachable time 36500ms (base 30000ms)
retransmission interval 1000ms
DAD transmits 1
default site prefix length 48

and that tells you that the internal routing has well and truely woken up.....

AND thats it...... except along the way you discover there is a terrific way to see if a server is using IPv6

netstat -noa

May your pain be less than ours......

and if someone can tell me where to get a Win32 IPv6 enabled Web server.... I would be much obliged...

Johnny and Saverio...

SAVERIO FERRARO asked this question

Hi all,
thank you for your responce.
But there is the problem tomcat 5.5.17 and IPV6 too.
I installed Microsoft IPv6 on Win XP sp2 and then Tomcat 5.5.17.
Now I can access to Tomcat page from OPERA with http://localhost:8080 and with http:/[::1]:8080. I have just tried from remote computer with http://[full_ipv6_address]:8080 and http://[full_ipv6_address%ID]:8080 but nothing!

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