David Smith wrote:

JAVA_HOME/lib/ext is in the bootstrap classloader (top-most, above System). Given your need for running this code standalone and in a webapp, I think a refactoring is in order. The parts that have to live in JAVA_HOME/lib/ext should not refer to the servlet api. They should just return data to classes in your webapp which intern handle the servlet api stuff. That should get you out of your classloader problem.

Hmm. Good thought. Please let me clarify my situation and ask for your comments: What I have is classes that represent general types of equipment. Some of the methods for each equipment class are used from the webapp for managemnt and configuration purposes, and other methods are used from the standalone app for runtime purposes. There are a few utility methods that are used both places, but not many. I thought I was being smart by combining all aspects of each type of equipment into a single class, but you seem to be saying that I should split each equipment class into two classes, one for management/configuration, and one for runtime. Is that interpretation correct?



David Kerber wrote:

I did some more testing, and discovered an error in my OP. See inline below...

I already have a message into the makers of the jni package I'm using with my standalone app to see if they have any input on this.

David Smith wrote:

And where is the class that can't find HttpServletRequest?  If in the
common/endorsed folder, try moving it to your WEB-INF/lib (just to test
Originally, I had the jar's with the classes in question in the jar/lib/ext folder, because they apparently need to be there for a standalone app that uses jni to access some of the classes in these same jars. If I *move* them from the lib/ext folder into the web-inf/lib folder, then my web app works fine, but my standalone app fails. What I had initially done when writing my op was to copy the jars, so that they existed in both lib/ext, and in web-inf/lib, and my web app doesn't like that, though my standalone app works ok.

a theory).  I suspect your startup parameters essentially added the
common/endorsed folder to the system classloader which puts it above the
My tomcat startup does specify the common/endorsed folders. Can I take that out if I don't have anything of mine in there? Or can I do something with common or shared to tell the tomcat to use the classes from lib/ext?

common classloader where HttpServletRequest would be.  If your class is
in the System classloader it won't see the servlet api at all.

See http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/class-loader-howto.html
I've read that several times in the past, but it's kind of short on the information I need. I'll look again...


David Kerber wrote:
Running tomcat 5.5.15 on Windows server 2003.

Why would I get the subject error when I'm deep into my code, and not
near the top when I first use it?  I'm getting this in a class that is
buried several layers deep in a utility jar file.  The servlet that
calls this class is working fine, I get no compile errors, I am
importing the proper class, and my startup env vars are set to:

-Dcatalina.home=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\common\endorsed

Here is the code snippet at issue, and the line where I'm getting the
error.  This is in a utility .jar file in web-inf/lib

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
  public static int updateDb( HttpServletRequest request ) {
      HttpSession    session;
error line:

      session = request.getSession();

This is being called from a class in my .war file:

          rslt = TCfgHose.updateDb( request );

It works fine in dev mode in Eclipse, but fails when deployed.  What
am I missing?  Do I need to put out a jdk after all?  Or is there a
problem with passing a HttpServletRequest out of the webapp and into a
utility .jar?


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