Martin Gainty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Caldarale, Charles R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fargusson.Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

thank all you guys and those who are paying attention to this topic.

to Martin : thanks for reminding me of policy, i didn't know much of
that. but given with the same policy file, my web still goes well in
windows while it failed in linux, i don't think the problem is about
tomcat policy.

to Johnny: thanks for your fruitful information, although i did in
accord to what http://kb.mozillazine.org/Links_to_local_pages_don't_work
conducted, things still dont work out, and I got exhausted guessing
how many fold of slash there should be... oh,
internet/security/http/URI/browser/tomcat, everything goes wild, way
beyond I've expected. so i end up using LocalLink extention (a plugin
of mozilla firefox found in the page mentioned above) as a workaround,
anyway, my interest is about lucene + inotify, not firefox or tomcat.
and about ESE(from your description it seems like a program like
beagle), i'm intrigued about how it works around security problem, I'd
like to look into it some time.

thanks for all you guys' help and kindness again.

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