
I don't know much about Webservices and Axis in particular, but at one
time I did download the Axis distribution.

In the lib folder of the Axis distribution there are a few JAR files
axis.jar, wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar etc.

Normally, when I write multiple projects that use JAR files from
different applications like say for example JSTL, Saxon etc, I just
copy the JAR files into the relevant project's lib folder.

With the limited knowledge on Axis I have, I don't think you need the
entire Axis WAR file to enable webservices in other projects, you'll
only need the JAR files.

You could also check with the Axis User Mailing List for alternatives
ways to configure multiple projects to use web services.


On 4/25/07, JavierL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rashmi Rubdi-2 wrote:
> From my experience, adding Jars for different apps in the same lib
> folder will cause conflicts and duplicates, especially if one person
> is using a JAR for one version and another is using a different
> version.
> However, you can have different projects with each project having it's
> own WEB-INF/lib folder and it's own JAR files.

Thanks for your reply.

I understand what you said and it's what I want to avoid.

Axis works as I said. It is a war application where you place the
applications you want to offer as web services so everybody can deploy
his/her application with its jar dependencies in WEB-INF/lib.

What I want is to make a folder inside WEB-INF/lib for each application
where to place its jars. If the application use  the same jar as another,
move the installed and the new one to lib folder. Is the only way I can
imagine to keep this caos in some order.

Your recommendation to place one war for application is ok for common web
application, but to place one axis war instance for each webservice is
totally unusable.


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