In case anyones interested I did finally get the build working.  The issue
with the build.xml remains.  If I want to follow the build instructions on
the web site I have to make the change I mentioned below.  The
MalformedURLException was a result of a recently installed program adding a
XML parsing package to my system classpath.  Once I got rid of it the build

I also tried to follow the Eclipse setup instruction which on the whole
worked pretty well except that the .classpath files for connectors and
container referenced commons-modeler-1.1 but Tomcat now uses 2.0.  The
.classpath for Jasper references org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.1.1 but Tomcat now
uses 3.1.2.  

I probably shouldn't declare complete success yet as I haven't actually run
what was built.

-----Original Message-----
From: Filip Hanik - Dev Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 1:18 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Building from source

1. dont use folders with spaces, in theory they should work, in practice,
who knows 2. building is easier than that, follow these steps
   a) svn co
   b) cd tc5.5.x
   c) edit (the base.path parameter is where it
will download dependencies too)
   d) ant download
   e) ant (or ant release, but this requires additional stuff)

Gross, Keith wrote:
> I was trying to follow the direction from the web site for building 
> Tomcat
> 5.5 from source.  I was wondering if anybody has done a from scratch 
> build using those instructions?  I found right off the build.xml
> ( linked from that 
> page
> ( failed for me 
> when checking out the source. To get the check out to work I had to 
> change the ant exec from :
>     <exec dir="${basedir}"
>           executable="svn"
>           inputstring="t${line.separator}"
>           failonerror="true">
>       <arg value="checkout" />
>       <arg value="${svnroot}/${current.loc}" />
>       <arg value="${basedir}" />
>     </exec>
> To
>     <exec dir="${basedir}"
>           executable="svn"
>           inputstring="t${line.separator}"
>           failonerror="true">
>       <arg value="checkout" />
>       <arg value="${svnroot}/${current.loc}" />
>       <arg value="." />
>     </exec>
> The change is in the 3rd <arg /> tag.  The original caused the 
> checkout to create a sub-directory named tc5.5.x which had the build
directory in it.
> So you got something like this
> \tomcat-build
>       \build.xml
>       \tc5.5.x
>               \.svn
>               \build
>               \connectors
>               \container
>               \jasper
>               \servletapi
> It seemed the script was expecting
> \tomcat-build
>       \build.xml
>       \.svn
>       \build
>       \connectors
>       \container
>       \jasper
>       \servletapi
> By changing the 3rd arg I got this structure and the build proceeded 
> for quite some time.  It then finally failed with the following:
> build-static:
>      [copy] Copying 4 files to D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\build\build\webapps\tomcat-docs
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\build\build\webapps\tomcat-docs\WEB-INF
>      [copy] Copying 2 files to D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\build\build\webapps\tomcat-docs\appdev
>      [copy] Copying 6 files to D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\build\build\webapps\tomcat-docs\appdev\sample
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\build\build\webapps\tomcat-docs\appdev\sample
>     [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\build\build\webapps\tomcat-docs\catalina\funcspecs
>      [copy] Copying 4 files to D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\build\build\webapps\tomcat-docs\architecture
>     [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\build\build\webapps\tomcat-docs\images
>      [copy] Copying 10 files to D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\build\build\webapps\tomcat-docs\images
>     [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\build\build\webapps\tomcat-docs\printer
>     [style] Transforming into D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\build\build\webapps\tomcat-docs\printer
>     [style] Processing D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\container\webapps\docs\apr.xml
> to D:\Tomcat\New Folder\build\build\webapps\tomcat-docs
> \printer\apr.html
>     [style] Loading stylesheet D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\container\webapps\docs\tomcat-docs.xsl
>     [style] : Fatal Error! Failure reading 
> file:///D:/Tomcat/New%20Folder/container/webapps/docs/apr.xml Cause:
> URLException: no protocol: project.xml
>     [style] Failed to process D:\Tomcat\New 
> Folder\container\webapps\docs\apr.xml
> D:\Tomcat\New Folder\build.xml:51: The following error occurred while 
> executing this line:
> D:\Tomcat\New Folder\build\build.xml:793: The following error occurred 
> while executing this line:
> D:\Tomcat\New Folder\container\webapps\docs\build.xml:88: Fatal error 
> during transformation
> Total time: 11 minutes 51 seconds
> Here I'm stuck at the moment.  It would appear to be complaining about 
> the doctype in this file not being correct but that's the way it's 
> declared in all the files.  Any ideas how to correct this?
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