> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 8:54 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Seamless transition between application updates
> Hash: SHA1
> Lightbulb,
> lightbulb432 wrote:
> > What are the strategies you might use to update an application
> > running on multiple Tomcat instances (clustered with Apache mod_jk)
> > with a seamless transition for somebody who's using the application
> > at the time the application is redeployed? I've always wondered how
> > web applications that cannot afford downtime do it.
> The biggest problem isn't the code, it's the other stuff that needs to
> be upgraded. Tim describes a good way to upgrade app servers
> incrementally, but doesn't say anything about a database.
> Usually, a major upgrade involves changes to a database which are
> incompatible with the old version. Crafting a deployment plan to upgrade
> the database and the application in phases is challenging.

In our case, we make minor, incremental changes all the time.  Major changes
do require a 'maintenance' interval.  In a previous company, they had
contractual arrangements to do exactly that -- Sunday afternoon for 2 hours
and Wednesday at 1AM for one hour.  In this case upgrades often included
schema changes.

My current company provide services for school districts and we have a
/very/ predictable utilization pattern so there are times during the day and
on the weekend where we have only one or two users.  The database does tend
to constrain the way in which application changes are made.  This may be
good, or bad.

> The process of upgrading Tomcat instances in a cluster is much easier.
> Note that anyone who /was/ using the old version and suddenly finds
> themselves using the new version of the application might get
> ClassCastExceptions or something similar if your session objects do not
> have fixed serialVersionIDs.
> > Problems that I foresee include someone who's POSTing from his
> > current page to a just-updated version of a servlet on Tomcat...in
> > this case, what the user expects to happen might not be what is
> > expected, due to the servlet update. In the best case the user has to
> > relogin due to an error. In the worst case the operation goes through
> > successfully but modifies the data in some unexpected way.
> You probably want to herd users over to a set of servers that will
> continue to run the old version for a while. Basically, disable logins
> on that server and direct all new mod_jk traffic to the "old" app
> servers (not sure how to do this... you'll have to ask the mod_jk gurus,
> or consult your load balancer documentation).

There are a few relevant things here:

- You can version your workers
- You can stop your workers (ALL traffic), can be done using /jkmanager aka
- You can disable your workers (all NEW traffic)

Pretty much everything I learned about mod_jk came from the online
documentation and experimentation.  People always cry that it's hard to use,
but I didn't find it that difficult.  Getting it to work correctly on IIS 6
with application pools was a little bit tricky, but I'm (thankfully!) on a
100% Linux stack now -- Red Hat, Apache, Tomcat, Java, MySQL.  When I
started this job 18 months ago, it was Windows, JRun 3, IIS, and Oracle.

Having said all this, *I* would enjoy reading how others do their upgrades.


> After the users die down on the servers marked for the first upgrade, go
> ahead and upgrade their code. Then, re-enable new traffic to the
> upgraded server. All of the old sessions should still point to the old
> server (if you are using session affinity, which will really help during
> this process). Now, disable logins on the old servers and eventually
> they will go idle. At that point, you can upgrade the remaining servers.
> You can basically do this in as many phases as you want, so if you have
> 15 machines, maybe you want to upgrade 5 at a time.
> Again, my biggest worry would be if there are any significant
> incompatibilities between code versions and their dependencies (such as
> database structure, etc.).
> Hope that helps,
> - -chris
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