I think that you have many processes because each tomcat  thread is
mapped on a system process.
I think this depends on the java vm/kernel, but I don't know the details.
But it shouldn't be a problem, as long as I know.
Also on my debian system, with kernel 2.4, I have the same behaviuor.

Hope this helps

On 07/05/07, Moley Harey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi folks,

I am having problems using Tomcat 5.5.20 with Java  jdk1.5.0_08 in a Debien
The problem is that every time I start Tomcat then 15 instances are started
instead of one single process as I am used to in other Tomcat environments I
have used before.

As so many processes are running after some time the machine run out of CPU
memory and starts being very very slow...

What could be causing this behaviour?
I have tested the same version of Tomcat+Java in a Ubuntu Dapper and works
fine, it just creates one single process when I start Tomcat...

Thanks in advance,


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