Yes, that is the correct BZ issue.  It was decided that TC would quote 
cookie values containing special characters, even for v0 cookies.  The 
thought was that browsers would likely understand the quoted value and 
handle it correctly.  It seems that Entrust thought the same thing, and they 
came up with their nasty little hack to quote the value.  You will have to 
take it up with Entrust and get them to stop trying to quote the cookie 
value themselves.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

Hi everyone!

First, thanks for reading this.

Here is the situation:

Entrust (a provider of security solutions) offers Java-based security 
applications for enterprises.
Their installer installs an own Java virtual machine for each application as 
well as an own Tomcat (v 5.5.17)

As we are already running some self-developed servlets,
we wish to extract the server application and run it with our own JVM (6u1) 
and Tomcat (6.0.10).
That's what we did: the servlets are up and running.

But we are apparently facing a problem regarding the cookie's value.
When I am running the ISAPI redirector in DEBUG mode, I get this:

[Fri May 04 17:59:08 2007] [1308:1988] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (684): 
Header[3] [Set-Cookie] = 
15:59:08 UTC|1200|50|-61|Qx2M2Q==|[...]3VmobNkg8j46JaoSkgMCTU=\"";; Path=/; Secure]

The cookie's value is twice double quoted -> the inner double quotes have 
been backslashed.
On a test server, with the native install of this application, the same log 
entry looks like this:

[Fri May 04 15:57:29 2007] [1884:3676] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (684): 
Header[3] [Set-Cookie] = [EntrustTruePassID="7.[...]fDs==|1|2007-05-04 
UTC|1200|50|0|Qx2M2Q==|[..]/d5wFNo145sdCJHdGXkayL8v3RFTSv2VT5Wvd6zixINFvHywI55zeDJq8len0=";; path=/; secure]

Because the cookie's value has been changed, the authentication process 

Fri May 04 17:59:09 2007 - WARNING       - 
[SessionValidationImpl::checkAuthentication()] - Auth cookie: Reporting 
TruePass: TPAuthCookie - Could not create the cookie using the cookie string
Line number: 253
File name: AuthCookie.cpp
caused by TruePass: TPAuthCookie - Could not validate the authentication 
Line number: 976
File name: AuthCookie.cpp
caused by TruePass: TPAuthCookie - The authentication cookie string is 
improperly formatted
Line number: 763
File name: AuthCookie.cpp

Before I give up, I would like to ask the specialists, if I am missing any 
point here ;)
I read some posts about v0 cookies values problems 
and I am wondering if it may also be a Tomcat problem here.

Tanks a lot for your time
Best regards


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