Pid wrote:


There isn't a standard way of doing programmatical security of this nature - the nature of it is such that you have to write it yourself.

That is essentially what I'm trying to do, using various built-in tools , such as*,,,, etc. I'm just having trouble figuring out how these tools are intended to be used

I wouldn't start there when securing a web application, but other list members might. Sounds like the long route to a solution.

The spec defines role based access control; the majority of your problem can be resolved by configuring a Realm and your app so that restrictions can be applied on a URL by URL basis.

In addition to the response I just posted, this app only has about 5 different url's (.jsp's), only one of which is restricted to admin users.

You can secure any path, including a file URL.
Are you submitting forms to servlets or JSPs?


If you're submitting to servlets (ie separating your logic from your views) then it makes it easier to write specific checks for specific users.

That's good to know.

The permissions are to specify which site's information they are able to view on the site information .jsp, and whether or not they can modify that information, not what .jsp they can get to in the first place.

How are you currently determining which data to display, a URL parameter that specifies the userid/username?

No, the user ID information is set in session attributes, and then they go to a .jsp that allows them to select from a list of sites to which they have access, then one which allows them to specify the date they want to see, and then they finally get to the data display form. The fields on this page are either editable or not, depending on what their permission level is for the site they are looking at. The information is all carried along in the session object. as they went from screen to screen..


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