Is it not possible to find a more elegant solution... like late binding with something like
Class.forname()?  ie make a plugin.... a full restart is very expensive.

under <host... if autoDeploy="true" then if web.xml is changed in any way... tomcat will restart. So if you make a little function that modifies web.xml slightly... Tomcat will restart WHEN ITS READY. Remember that if you have a thread running or something like that... Tomcat will not restart because it waits for the classloaders to unload.... if they dont... it wont restart.

Look at dynamically loading classes... much better solution.

----- Original Message ----- From: "lightbulb432" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 6:20 PM
Subject: Application auto-redeploy

How can I tell Tomcat to automatically redeploy an application when any file
within it is updated? I realize that this happens for new WARs or JSP
updates without needing an application redeploy.

But what I'm asking is if I update a Java class file within an application's folder, how can I tell Tomcat to undeploy that application and redeploy that
application, rather than having to do these steps manually?

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