> From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Context Descriptors
> The following regarding Context Descriptors is in
> the documentation for Tomcat 6. I'm wondering why
> the included contexts such as /examples, /docs,
> /host-manager, and ROOT (/) don't have Context
> Descriptors generated as described below. 

Because those apps are simple enough not to need one.

> If a Context Descriptor is not provided for a Context, Tomcat 
> automatically creates one and places it in (1) with a filename
> of [webappname].xml

The above statement is not true; the doc needs updating.  Tomcat creates
the internal data structures for the webapp's <Context>, but does not
store it in any persistent location.

> although if manually created, the filename need not match 
> the web application name

That statement is also not true - the filename must match, unless the
<Context> element is in server.xml, in which case there is no filename.

[Mark - the above somewhat out-of-date statements are in:

> Why, under /manager, do I see the following in
> /manager/manager.xml:

As far as I can tell, that's left-over junk from previous levels; that
.xml file used to end up in conf/Catalina/localhost.  Regardless, the
location cited above isn't used during deployment or running of the app.

> And the following in /manager/META-INF/context.xml? Why the 
> presence of two context descriptors?

That's the real one; the first is no longer used.

> And finally, why do I see the docBase as
> "${catalina.home}/server/webapps/manager" in the previous 
> manager.xml, when the default Tomcat 6 installation doesn't
> even have a server directory?

Again, left-over artifacts from previous Tomcat levels.

> What confuses me is how it still works even when that
> directory isn't there or created.

Because that .xml file is completely ignored.

 - Chuck

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