OK, that solves the quiz:

The isapi plugin has a speciality. It first checks for a forwarding rule, which is specific for the virtual server. If it doesn't find one, then it checks for global rules. Unfortunately there is a little gotcha, if you use /* as a rule. It will always map as a virtual host rule.

;ore precisely the plugin first prefixes your request URL with /YOURVIRTUALHOST, in your case /hostname.domainname.com.

This new URL is then matched against all forwarding rules. In your case /* will match and will be chosen.

If none would match, then it would use the original URL without virtual host prefix and try again.

So if you really have to use the global /*, then you need to use


in your forwarding rule for the manager.

Longer rules will be preferred about shorter ones, but the virtual server match will always be done first.



Jean-Francois Beaulac wrote:

Thank you everyone for the support, it's really appreciated.

I think my problem is a rule priority problem, here is the JK log with debug

May 14 10:27:59 2007] [2564:2720] [debug] HttpFilterProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c
(747): Filter started
[Mon May 14 10:27:59 2007] [2564:2720] [debug]
HttpFilterProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (813): Virtual Host redirection of
[Mon May 14 10:27:59 2007] [2564:2720] [debug]
map_uri_to_worker::jk_uri_worker_map.c (449): Attempting to map URI
'/hostname.domainname.com/jkmanager' from 2 maps
[Mon May 14 10:27:59 2007] [2564:2720] [debug]
map_uri_to_worker::jk_uri_worker_map.c (461): Attempting to map context URI
[Mon May 14 10:27:59 2007] [2564:2720] [debug]
map_uri_to_worker::jk_uri_worker_map.c (461): Attempting to map context URI
[Mon May 14 10:27:59 2007] [2564:2720] [debug]
map_uri_to_worker::jk_uri_worker_map.c (475): Found a wildchar match wlb ->
[Mon May 14 10:27:59 2007] [2564:2720] [debug]
HttpFilterProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (830): check if [/jkmanager] is points to
the web-inf directory
[Mon May 14 10:27:59 2007] [2564:2720] [debug]
HttpFilterProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (848): [/jkmanager] is a servlet url -
should redirect to wlb
[Mon May 14 10:27:59 2007] [2564:2720] [debug]
wc_get_worker_for_name::jk_worker.c (111): found a worker wlb
[Mon May 14 10:27:59 2007] [2564:2720] [debug]
HttpExtensionProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (1003): got a worker for name wlb

Is it correct to say that my URI rule


Has a higher priority than


If yes, it there a way to tell the JK to match the jkstatus rule prior to
the other one?
Thank you very much

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