Hello All,

I have a server that is not too heavily trafficked (yet!) that, to the user appears to hang on pages. This appears to be happening most often to users outside my network, as it has not been encountered by our developers unless they are working from home.

I am not seeing any network issues, internally, but I do see these errors in my jk.log quite a lot:

[error] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (1659): Client connection aborted or network problems

I've looked this error up in my search engines with no hits. Any suggestions on what to look for or how to clear this up?

CentOS 4.4
Apache 2.0.52
Jakarta-Tomcat 5.5.7

At 05:41 PM 5/17/2007, you wrote:

I used to work with a Sys Admin whose expertise was chaing the sys admin password when asked about issues such as interconnecting thru Pix he would say let me get back to you..it sounds like this sys admin is working for you now
Anyway here is a quick tutorial on configuring pix
You'll have to do some fun things like setting up arp tables and such
This will guarantee that IP x.x.x.x:PortX will be forwarded to y.y.y.y:PortY
the other thing that you can do is open up your subnet mask which is probably set to something massively restrictive like

I am the systems administrator. I generally build/install maintain the systems that my developers deploy on. Since this looks more like a network problem (to management), I've been tasked to solve the problem. However, it looks more like a Tomcat connector problem since I have not found any obvious network errors.

One important note: I am using multiple virtual ethernet ports to support multiple SSL certs on this machine and I think that this could be part of the problem.

This is a single Apache/mod_jk/Tomcat server with Apache handling port 80 and Tomcat on port 8009. I am also seeing:

mod_jk: Error flushing \n

errors in my Apache error log. I have read that updating the mod_jk may solve this problem, but I have not tied the two problems as a cause/effect of the other.

Any further comments or suggestions would be kindly appreciated.


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