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Abdul Qayyum wrote:
> Will this approach redirect the page to other when one is under
> reloading or upgration?

IIRC, during a webapp reload, Tomcat will issue a 503 response. You
might be able to catch this at the Tomcat level and display a certain
"please wait" page. I do this using the ErrorDocument directive
available through Apache httpd.

> The situation is that, we want to send a customised error page when our
> website is under upgration. It will approximately take 1 hour for uploading
> a new war file on our server. During this time I want to show some custom
> page.

Might I suggest that you upload your WAR file and /then/ deploy it? I'm
not sure how Tomcat does how upgrades (I hope it's smart enough to wait
until the WAR is fully uploaded to reload the webapp), but an hour of
down time is a /lot/. If all you're waiting for is the WAR file to
upload, then you do not need this additional downtime, and should avoid
it if possible.

- -chris

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