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Rashmi Rubdi wrote:
> Thank you both for clarifying, I understand what you're saying.


> And the definition of ETag :
> http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.19
> mentions entity-tag , which is also the value of a few other caching tags:
> If-Match
> If-None-Match
> Vary

Just because each of these headers has an entity-tag as its value does
not mean that the server can just pick one and shove an Etag-appropriate
value into the header. The "entity-tag" is just a data type. It's like
saying "the 'Date' header returns a date" and "the 'Last-Modified-Date'
header also returns a date", therefore you can use the headers

> The value of the above tags returns the same checksum for the static
> resource as the ETag does.

Really? That doesn't sound right. The "Vary" header does not contain any
checksum of any kind. (At least not in the HTTP 1.1 spec).

> I think ETag's value will only change if the static file's modified
> date changes according to it's definition here:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_ETag
> So why have 2 headers with the same checksum for the same static
> resource when one would suffice? Unless the checksum is going to be
> different... which I doubt because it is calculate based on the i-node
> number , last modified time and size (in Apache though, not sure how
> Tomcat calculates it.).

I'm not really sure what you're talking about, here. It seems clear that
the Etag ought to be sent with a 304 response if that same request would
have returned an Etag with a 200 response instead. The fact that the
Etag shouldn't change isn't the issue... it's the fact that it should be
sent in the response regardless of 2xx or 3xx response.

- -chris
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