Rotating an open log file from outside the using processes is a very bad idea. The processes in most cases will simply try to use the old log file further on (and will run into trouble, after you compressed them etc.).

Rotating log files for apache can be easily done using the bundles rotatelogs (see the Apache httpd documentation).

mod_jk is able to use rotatelogs with JkLogFile as well, and the syntax is the same as for the other Apache httpd log files ("|/pathtorotatelogs/rotatelogs /pathtologfile/logfile OPTIONS").

Since I'm interested in the root of your problem nevertheless, if you can reproduce it, try to get a pstack (solaris) or gstack[?] (linux) of your running httpd processes, once the problem occurs. In case threads are hanging, this will tel us, where they are.

By the way: your httpd is a pretty outdated version. The 2.0 branch is at 2.0.59 and there is 2.2.x around for 1.5 years now. (I'm not saying such an update will solve your problem, but the other two components are pretty up to date, so updating your apache would make a good fit).



Yifan (Eric) Jiang wrote:
Hi all,

Not quite sure if this list is the best place to send this question. But
I can't find anywhere else to send it to...

I am trying to install Shibboleth (
Identity Provider with Cosign protection on a RedHat Linux production
Well, Shibboleth Identity Provider is a Java Application and is using
Tomcat as a Java container. Therefore for the user conveniences, I have
to load a mod_jk module into Apache in order to build a connection
between Apache and Tomcat.
I am using Apahce2.0.46, mod_jk 1.2.22 and Tomcat 5.5.23. After the
Shibboleth Identity Provider installation, everything is running
perfectly fine until the log rotation has been triggered by the cron job
at mid-night.

The cron job has the following configuration:

59      23      *       *       *       /usr/local/etc/rotate.log --move
--after=/usr/local/etc/rotate.log-after.std /var/log

59      23      *       *       *       /usr/local/etc/rotate.log --move
--after=/usr/local/etc/rotate.log-apache /var/log/httpd

So after the log rotation, Apache appears to have some problems to
restart. It returns a HTTP 500 error to users, and the ssl_error_log
file has logged a "Premature end of script headers: cosign.cgi" error.
Therefore it requires the administrator to restart the Apache manually.

Before I thought it was caused by Shibboleth and Cosign, so I just
disable the Cosign module for Apache. However, the error still happens
on the next day after the log rotation. Then I realised it may be cause
by the mod_jk, so I disable the mod_jk module and the Apache is back to
normal, even after the log rotation.

I have not idea what exactly caused this problem, and the log for
mod_jk, Apache doesn't give me much help. So does anyone know this
Any information in regards of this would be much appreciated.



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