Only 1 worker file is possible and it must be defined in the global section of the httpd configuration.

You can think about using three things to make configs easier to maintain (depending on your taste)

- Using the "reference" feature (see jk reference guide for, which allows to inherit properties between workers. You can use this to configure the attributes, that are mostly the same for all workers (timeouts etc.) on a template worker and then inherit those from the template worker(s) to the actual workers.

- Using JkWorkerProperty Apache httpd directive (see jk reference guide for apache httpd) you can inline all lines into httpd.conf, which of course can be structured hierarchical. This directive is only allowed in the global parts, so you can include parts, but you can not make them local to vhosts.

- Using variables in You can set variables in like


and then use them like




Kotla, Satya S (Contractor) wrote:
We are running JBoss 4.2.0/Apache 2.2.3/Mod_jk 1.2.22 on Suse Linux 10.
We are trying to implement an Apache Farm with three Apache instances
reverse-proxying to multiple JBoss cluster nodes using mod_jk connector
with load-balancing and sticky session configuration.
As per the Tomcat connector documentatiob, there can be only one
"JkWorkersFile" pointed to But it would be extremely
cumbersome to maintain a single file, which will
become so huge with lot of workers defined. To be able to add/remove
easily worker nodes, it would be useful to have the possibility to
specify multiple JkWorkersFile.
Is there a way to specify multiple JkWorkersFile for mod_jk
configuration. Please let me know.
Satya S Kotla

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