I don't think tomcat(explicitly) is doing this. It could be any of the following: 1) When the file is found a full path check is done to prevent sneaky people from trying ../../ tricks - so I you might see the JVM and how it implments File.getAbsolutePath) on a file
2) It could be IIS doing the checks and not tomcat
3) It could be the IIS jk plugin - but I'm not sure about that possibility.
4) ???

My vote is for #1


Thomas Hoffmann (Speed4Trade) wrote:
my contect-configuratation looks like:
<Context docBase="D:\inetpub\wwwroot\tyres4trade" path="" privileged="true" workdir="...." reloadable="fals" />

when i request e.g. test.jsp from browser my file-monitor show
the following harddisc-accesses:
d:\inetpub\wwwroot\tyres4trade\localhost\test.jsp (not found)
<tomcat-root>\tomcat 5.5\work\org\apache\jsp\test_jsp.class

i ask myself why does tomcat start to search from d:\ instead of docBase?

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