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Williams, Allen wrote:
> Yeah, I'm already sending some stuff over by URL anyway, but there seems
> to be some concern floating around the net regarding session hijacking
> if the session ID is readily available.  However, although I wouldn't
> pretend to be an expert.

Session hijacking is no more difficult when using cookies as when using
URL-encoded session ids. It's just more obvious that session ids are
being passed because you can see them in the request.

Any Tomcat server will accept a session id through the URL. I don't
think you can turn it off. That means that, even if you had intended to
use cookies, a rogue user could send a request with a URL-encoded
session id and hijack a session.

This is why we use HTTPS when anything important is going on.

> Anyway, I took Christopher's advice, and deleted all the cookies, even
> restarted my browser (it's been running for several days), and did some
> testing.  I now have two (2!) JSESSIONID's in my browser, as well as
> userid and password cookies, but on the server side, it says no cookies
> were sent.

Something is definitely wrong. Your browser has two cookies and sends
neither of them?

> And, I finally found the "Headers" section under "Net" in Firebug.  As
> near as I can decipher this, all my requests are sending a JSESSIONID
> cookie *except* the one for the XMLHttpRequest.

Does the "path" of the cookie appear as a prefix of the URL you are
trying to access via XMLHttpRequest? If not, the browser is acting

> Looking at these cookies with the WebDeveloper tools in Firefox, the
> difference is that the new one created during the XMLHttpRequest is
> associated with a "/" path, the other one (the "real" one) with
> "/myAppName" path.

Are you using two different webapps or something?

> Is is possible the difference in these path associations has something
> to do with not finding the session?


> I do use a different URL mapping
> for this servlet because of a "CheckUser" problem I had way back that
> started this whole chain.

A different URL mapping or a different context for your web application?

- -chris
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