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This is the third time you have posted this question in 12 hours. Please
give the folks on the list at least 24 hours before you start re-posting
the same question.

- -chris

Pierluigi Fabbris wrote:
> I've problem to use Apache 2.2.4 and Tomcat 6 together.
> I install Apache 2.2.4 and Tomcat 6.
> I put mod_jk-apache-2.2.4.so in the directory modules in Apache and
> configure in http.conf di apache in this way: LoadModule jk_module
> modules/mod_jk-apache-2.2.4.so
> Until this no problem Apache starts.
> Now I open server.xml in Tomcat 6 to modify the file in right way:
> below <Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" > insert:
> <Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat6.config.ApacheConfig"
> modJk="D:\Programmi\Apache Software
> Foundation\Apache2.2\modules\mod_jk-apache-2.2.4.so" />
> below  <Host name="localhost"  appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true"
> autoDeploy="true" xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false"> insert:
> <Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat6.config.ApacheConfig"
> append="true" forwardAll="false" modJk="D:\Programmi\Apache Software
> Foundation\Apache2.2\modules\mod_jk-apache-2.2.4.so" />
> After I modify this I start Tomcat, but if I read a older manual now
> before I create workers.properties and last thing in Apache in http.conf
> there are a problem.
> In the directory /conf/auto/  doesn' exist mod_jk.conf.
> This file doesn't create when I start Tomcat.
> What do I miss?
> Hoping in a help.
> Fabbris Pierluigi
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