lightbulb432 wrote:
I tried looking through the startup.bat file for standalone Tomcat and still
cannot seem to figure out what the difference is between what that file is
doing to startup Tomcat properly, and what I'm doing wrong with embedded
Tomcat from my class below. (It's calling the same startup classes that I'd
be calling, right?)

Any thoughts?

.oO( the conventional startup script might be easier to use )

lightbulb432 wrote:
I know the cause of the problem - my use of embedded tomcat. When I tried
it with the standalone Tomcat, it works fine. What I'm confused about,
then, is how to fix the following code to make it work like standalone
Tomcat. I'm using Tomcat 6.

I'd be very surprised if this I'm not doing something wrong and this is a
limitation of embedded Tomcat.

        public static void main(String[] args) {
                Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
                try {
                bootstrap.init(new String[] {"-config","conf/server.xml"});
        catch (Exception e) {

Also, nothing is appearing underneath
CATALINA_BASE/work/Catalina/localhost/myapp, regardless of the number of
servlets or JSPs I've deployed and accessed, and regardless of whether
it's with standalone or embedded Tomcat.

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: lightbulb432 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: Reloadable attribute not working

There's no folders under CATALINA_BASE/conf
Not having run an embedded Tomcat, I don't know if that's normal or not.

I'm using the invoker servlet - could that be a reason, or does it have nothing to do with this?
Don't know - the invoker servlet should never be used.  It's only there
for compatiblity.

Also, could it be why no .java and .class files are generated in my "work" directory?
They're only generated for .jsp files; do you have any in your webapps?

What other effects might one expect using the invoker servlet?
Security holes all over the place.  It's really a bad idea.

 - Chuck

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