Thank you Pid for your patience with me, Thank you all guys, the problem
finally sovled, and the connection established.

The problem was because of i didn't state the <ResourceLink>, I put it like

<ResourceLink name="jdbc/myoracle" type="javax.sql.DataSource"

in Context.xml, and i removed all occurences of jdbc class drivers but in

By the way, it is the advice of David Smith and Pid. Thank you guys, Thank
you ver much :).


On 5/26/07, Pid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mohammed Zabin wrote:
> Thank you

(Please just reply to the list, not 'all')

> You know what, all that advises made me somewhat confused, i have reread
> Tomcat Documentation, now, am not sure about the following:
> 1. Which is best, servlet.xml or context.xml?

You must add information to all of config files, it's not optional, I
think the documentation is pretty clear on what needs to be added to
each file.

(Below, < ... > is a location or name of something on your system).

> 2. If it is servlet.xml, which servlet.xml, is it the config file for
> container, or my web application servlet.xml file.

I'm not aware of a Tomcat configuration file called "servlet.xml".
Tomcat uses the following files (in addition to your web app's files):

<tomcat>/conf/server.xml  - main config
<tomcat>/conf/context.xml - default/all contexts
<tomcat>/conf/web.xml     - main config

You can configure the Context by placing the definition in -



You should also configure your servlet definitions and the remainder of
your application as per the spec in:


> 3. Where shall i put jdbc driver class file, in my web application
> or in Tomcat lib folder.

Not META-INF, WEB-INF and META-INF are different locations, with
different purposes. You can place the oracle jar file in -



> I susbect with jdbc driver, if you look at, you will find
> drivers for all jdks, but there is no one for JDK 6.

It's not the driver, it's your config.  Tomcat+Oracle is successfully
deployed by many people all over the world.

So, in summary, as an *example* to demonstrate some possible locations
for various bits of config, you might have:

Resource def in GlobalResources, 'testhost' Host def:

ResourceLink in Context:

oracle-XXX.jar in

Resource ref, servlets in:

JSP in:


p.s. Chuck, if you read this, I'm betting that you'll need to get your
path attribute standard response ready.

> On 5/26/07, Pid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Mohammed Zabin wrote:
>> > Thank you Christ
>> >> For instance, I usually see "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
>> of
>> >> what you have above.
>> >
>> > It's as you stated above. But with Oracle 9i and onwards, the driver
>> > must be
>> > oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver, anyways,
>> > i am looking for a solution, and I am sure that i'll find one, thank
>> you
>> If you've not found it yet you need to carefully re-read the advice
>> we've offered.  I think we've identified the problem and advised a
>> solution each time, I also think you're changing more than just what
>> we've recommended you change, and thus introducing more problems.
>> Your last issue was that you have moved the Resource definition to
>> GlobalResources, then failed to add the ResourceLink that makes it
>> available to the Context.
>> Your previous issue was that you hadn't added the driver jar to the
>> correct place for Tomcat's classloaders to find it.
>> The issue before that* was that your Resource config definition was
>> incorrect, as were the previous two attempts.
>> Before that your JSP was faulty as you hadn't imported any of the
>> classes you needed.
>> p
>> * Hopefully I've got these in the right order.
>> server.xml  : GlobalResource def
>> yourapp.xml : Context def, ResourceLink
>> web.xml     : web app deployment desc, Resource Ref
>> your.jsp    : imports, active code
>> > On 5/25/07, Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hash: SHA1
>> >>
>> >> Mohammed,
>> >>
>> >> Mohammed Zabin wrote:
>> >> > I put the jar file in my WEB-INF/lib and CATALINA_HOME/lib and
>> >> > but nothing changed, I got the same error
>> >>
>> >> No, you are getting a different error. The first one was
>> >> ClassNotFoundException. Now, you are getting:
>> >>
>> >> >>>> org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create
>> >> >>>> JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL 'null'
>> >>
>> >> Those are not the same.
>> >>
>> >> Search the archives for "Cannot create JDBC driver of class ''" and
>> I'm
>> >> sure you'll find this question answered hundreds of times over.
>> >>
>> >> It usually turns out to be an incorrect JDBC URL or an incorrect
>> driver
>> >> class name. Please check these over /carefully/:
>> >>
>> >> >>>> driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
>> >> >>>> url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@"
>> >>
>> >> For instance, I usually see "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
>> of
>> >> what you have above.
>> >>
>> >> - -chris
>> >>
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>> >>
>> >>
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>> >>
>> >

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