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Omar Eljumaily wrote:
> in a production Tomcat environment?  I tried this once before a few
> years ago, and ran into some nasty bugs.  Sun's Java, for me, is getting
> a bit weird, especially on Linux.  I never quite know which version to
> download, each one having at least two or three different numbers
> associated with it.  "That's Java Super Enterprise 6, with SDK version
> 5, etc"

It shouldn't be that complicated. The Enterprise Edition contains all
the junk you need for stuff like EJB, etc. If you just need servlets,
then stick with the J2SE ("Standard Edition"). JDK includes compiler and
code samples (as well as the runtime), while the JRE is just the runtime.

You should pick a version (1.4, 1.5, 1.6) and then stick with the latest
release available for that version (say, 1.5.0_11-b03 is what I have for
the 1.5 JDK).

> The latest problem I'm running into is that I'm trying to update to
> Fedora 6 which uses libstdc++.so.6, and Sun's java insists on version
> 5.

Wow! And here I am stuck on libstdc++ 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9.

You should be able to install more than one version of that library
side-by-side... (and I question those version numbers...)

> I suppose I could install 5, but I feel that creepy dependency hell
> feeling coming on when I think about it.

Did you try downloading directly from Sun's site? Or, is this a package
that comes from Red Hat (or, worse, a 3rd-party)?

Are you sure that is a Java dependency? It is more likely to be the
package maintainer's dependency rather than Java's. You should contact
the package maintainer to determine why your Java package requires that
version of libstdc++.

> So anyway, is anybody successfully using GNU Java?  If not, does anybody
> have any tips for installing the proper version of Sun's Java on FC6?

Sadly, everything I've ever read on this and other lists about the GNU
version of Java is that it causes more problems than it's worth. I'm
also sad to say that when asking questions on this particular list about
running Tomcat on GNU java, the only response you are likely to get is
"switch to Sun's JDK and save yourself the trouble".

Good luck,
- -chris
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