
To delete a cookie you have to set its max age to 0.

Calling invalidate on the httpsession will delete the cookie that
holds the session id, wont it? request.getSession().invalidate()


On 6/1/07, Tim Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There is nothing in the servelt api to explicitly delete the session cookie.


Mike Peremsky wrote:
> I am pretty new to cookies and am having an issue. I create a cookie in my 
servlet and write it to the response to last the lifetime of the session (duration 
= -1). When the user clicks the logout button I find the cookie, reset the 
duration to 0 then re-add the cookie to the response. But when I look at the 
browser cookies the cookie is still there and is listed as a cookie lasting the 
lifetime of the session. From what I read in the API there is nothing to directly 
remove a cookie from a session, I can only write it with a duration of 0. So, why 
is the cookie still in the session? How can I get rid of it?

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