Hmm, ok.  Sending the headers up causes the comet servlet to behave as I
expected, one BEGIN event generated on the first client request and one
READ event generated on the second request.  In my simple test, the
comet servlet doesn't receive the headers as data.  If I don't send up
the headers on the second request, the READ event is never generated (in
fact no event is generated) and the client hangs waiting for a response
from the comet servlet.  Doesn't your cometgui send the headers with
each request?


Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
> you're treading dangerous waters my friend. the comet is somewhat like
> a real socket, and sending up new HTTP headers might end up just being
> data for the Comet servlet.
> Filip
> Peter Warren wrote:
>> My client code was the problem.  I had been thinking of the comet
>> interaction with the server as similar to a socket, open it once and
>> then read and write merrily from either end.  I forgot that comet is
>> still operating over http and the client needs to send http headers for
>> each request.  So the fix in my client code is simply to open a new
>> HttpURLConnection for each client request, which hopefully does not
>> establish a new socket connection to the server each time ("Each
>> HttpURLConnection instance is used to make a single request but the
>> underlying network connection to the HTTP server may be transparently
>> shared by other instances" -- from javadoc for HttpURLConnection).  See
>> added "initConnection()" line below.
>> Peter
>> ### from CometTestClient below ###
>>     public void test() throws IOException {
>>         out.println("test 1");
>>         out.flush();
>>         String line = read(urlConn.getInputStream());
>>         System.out.println(line);
>> --->    initConnection(); // reconnect to url - sends new http headers
>>         out.println("test 2");
>>         out.flush();
>>         line = read(urlConn.getInputStream());
>>         System.out.println(line);
>>         out.close();
>>         urlConn.disconnect();
>>     }
>> Peter Warren wrote:
>>> Thanks for the suggestion.  I changed the comet test servlet to read
>>> directly from the input stream as shown in the advanced io example. 
>>> I'm
>>> still seeing the same behavior.  No comet read event gets generated on
>>> the server, only the begin event which contains the client's first
>>> message.  The client then sends its second message and blocks waiting
>>> for the server.  No events are generated on the server in response to
>>> the client's second message.  Any other tips for me?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Peter
>>> from the CometTestServlet:
>>>     public void event(CometEvent cometEvent) throws IOException,
>>> ServletException {
>>>     ...
>>>         if (cometEvent.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN) {
>>>             log("Begin for session: " +
>>> request.getSession(true).getId());
>>>             String clientMessage = read(request);
>>>             if (clientMessage != null && clientMessage.length() > 0) {
>>>                 response.getWriter().println(clientMessage);
>>>                 response.getWriter().flush();
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>>     ...
>>>     private String read(HttpServletRequest request) throws
>>> IOException {
>>>         InputStream is = request.getInputStream();
>>>         StringBuffer inputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
>>>         byte[] buf = new byte[512];
>>>         do {
>>>             int n =; // can throw an IOException
>>>             if (n > 0) {
>>>                 inputBuffer.append(new String(buf, 0, n));
>>>                 log("Read " + n + " bytes: " + new String(buf, 0, n)
>>> + "
>>> for session: "
>>>                         + request.getSession(true).getId());
>>>             } else if (n < 0) {
>>>                 log("comet read error");
>>>             }
>>>         } while (is.available() > 0);
>>>         return inputBuffer.toString();
>>>     }
>>> from the CometTestClient:
>>>     public void test() throws IOException {
>>>         out.println("test 1");
>>>         out.flush();
>>>         String line = read(urlConn.getInputStream());
>>>         System.out.println(line);
>>>         out.println("test 2");
>>>         out.flush();
>>>         line = read(urlConn.getInputStream());
>>>         System.out.println(line);
>>>         out.close();
>>>         urlConn.disconnect();
>>>     }
>>>     private String read(InputStream is) throws IOException {
>>>         StringBuffer inputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
>>>         byte[] buf = new byte[512];
>>>         do {
>>>             int n =; // can throw an IOException
>>>             if (n > 0) {
>>>                 inputBuffer.append(new String(buf, 0, n));
>>>             } else if (n < 0) {
>>>                 return ("read error");
>>>             }
>>>         } while (is.available() > 0);
>>>         return inputBuffer.toString();
>>>     }
>>> Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
>>>> take a look at the documentation, the way you are reading it is
>>>> incorrect.
>>>> you need to take advantage of the available() method
>>>> Filip
>>>> Peter Warren wrote:
>>>>> My BEGIN block in my comet servlet now looks like the code below
>>>>> (added
>>>>> a while loop to read until the buffer is empty).  Is that what you
>>>>> had
>>>>> in mind?  The buffer in the BEGIN event only contains the client's
>>>>> first
>>>>> message.  Am I not emptying the buffer correctly?  Although, I
>>>>> wouldn't
>>>>> expect the buffer to contain the client's second message since the
>>>>> client blocks for an ack from the server before sending its second
>>>>> message.  Any other thoughts on what happens to the client's second
>>>>> message and why no READ event is generated?
>>>>> Thanks for your help,
>>>>> Peter
>>>>>         if (cometEvent.getEventType() ==
>>>>> CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN) {
>>>>>             log("Begin for session: " +
>>>>> request.getSession(true).getId());
>>>>>             BufferedReader reader =
>>>>> cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest().getReader();
>>>>>             String line = null;
>>>>>             while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
>>>>>                 log("servlet received: " + line);
>>>>> cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse().getWriter().println("servlet
>>>>> received: " + line);
>>>>> cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse().getWriter().flush();
>>>>>             }
>>>>>         }
>>>>>> Filip Hanik wrote:
>>>>>> it could be because the data from the request already came in
>>>>>> with the
>>>>> request.
>>>>>> when the BEGIN happens, perform the actions as if there was a
>>>>>> READ as
>>>>> well, ie, empty out the buffer.
>>>>>> Filip
>>>>> Peter Warren wrote:
>>>>>> The following client code generates a comet BEGIN event on the
>>>>>> server
>>>>>> but not a subsequent READ event, as I was expecting.  How come? 
>>>>>> Is my
>>>>>> code wrong?  Are my expectations wrong?  See sequence of events
>>>>>> commented in code below.
>>>>>>     // client test method that sends messages to server and
>>>>>> listens for
>>>>>> responses
>>>>>>     public void test() throws IOException {
>>>>>>         out.println("test 1");
>>>>>>         out.flush();
>>>>>>         // server receives client's message, generates a BEGIN
>>>>>> event,
>>>>>> and sends response to client
>>>>>>         in = new BufferedReader(new
>>>>>> InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream()));
>>>>>>         System.out.println(in.readLine());
>>>>>>         // client receives server's response and prints it
>>>>>>         out.println("test 2");
>>>>>>         out.flush();
>>>>>>         System.out.println(in.readLine());
>>>>>>         // client code blocks here waiting for server response.
>>>>>>         // server never generates a READ event.  How come?
>>>>>>         // Does the HttpURLConnection (see full code below) need
>>>>>> to be
>>>>>> set up differently?
>>>>>>         // Am I using the PrintWriter incorrectly when sending to
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> comet servlet?
>>>>>>         out.close();
>>>>>>         urlConn.disconnect();
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> Thanks for any help,
>>>>>> Peter
>>>>>> -- system --
>>>>>> using:
>>>>>> tomcat 6.0.13 on windows xp sp 2
>>>>>> java 1.6.0_01
>>>>>> -- test client & comet servlet source below --
>>>>>> ## begin test client ##
>>>>>> import;
>>>>>> import;
>>>>>> import;
>>>>>> import;
>>>>>> import;
>>>>>> import;
>>>>>> public class CometTestClient {
>>>>>>     private HttpURLConnection urlConn;
>>>>>>     private PrintWriter out;
>>>>>>     private BufferedReader in;
>>>>>>     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>>>>>>         CometTestClient test = new CometTestClient();
>>>>>>         test.test();
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>     public CometTestClient() throws IOException {
>>>>>>         initConnection();
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>     private void initConnection() throws IOException {
>>>>>>         URL url = new URL("";);
>>>>>>         urlConn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
>>>>>>         urlConn.setDoInput(true);
>>>>>>         urlConn.setDoOutput(true);
>>>>>>         urlConn.connect();
>>>>>>         out = new PrintWriter(urlConn.getOutputStream());
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>     public void test() throws IOException {
>>>>>>         out.println("test 1");
>>>>>>         out.flush();
>>>>>>         in = new BufferedReader(new
>>>>>> InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream()));
>>>>>>         System.out.println(in.readLine());
>>>>>>         out.println("test 2");
>>>>>>         out.flush();
>>>>>>         System.out.println(in.readLine());
>>>>>>         out.close();
>>>>>>         urlConn.disconnect();
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> ## end test client ##
>>>>>> ## begin comet servlet ##
>>>>>> import;
>>>>>> import;
>>>>>> import javax.servlet.ServletException;
>>>>>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
>>>>>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
>>>>>> import org.apache.catalina.CometEvent;
>>>>>> import org.apache.catalina.CometProcessor;
>>>>>> public class CometTestServlet extends HttpServlet implements
>>>>>> CometProcessor {
>>>>>>     private static final long serialVersionUID =
>>>>>> 5472498184127924791L;
>>>>>>     public void event(CometEvent cometEvent) throws IOException,
>>>>>> ServletException {
>>>>>>         HttpServletRequest request =
>>>>>> cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest();
>>>>>>         // don't want timeout events
>>>>>>         cometEvent.setTimeout(1000000);
>>>>>>         if (cometEvent.getEventType() ==
>>>>>> CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN) {
>>>>>>             log("Begin for session: " +
>>>>>> request.getSession(true).getId());
>>>>>>             BufferedReader reader =
>>>>>> cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest().getReader();
>>>>>>             String line = reader.readLine();
>>>>>>             if (line != null) {
>>>>>>                 log("servlet received: " + line);
>>>>>> cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse().getWriter().println("servlet
>>>>>> received: " + line);
>>>>>> cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse().getWriter().flush();
>>>>>>             } else {
>>>>>>                 cometEvent.close();
>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>         } else if (cometEvent.getEventType() ==
>>>>>> CometEvent.EventType.ERROR) {
>>>>>>             log("Error for session: " +
>>>>>> request.getSession(true).getId()
>>>>>> + ", " + cometEvent.getEventSubType());
>>>>>>             cometEvent.close();
>>>>>>         } else if (cometEvent.getEventType() ==
>>>>>> CometEvent.EventType.END) {
>>>>>>             log("End for session: " +
>>>>>> request.getSession(true).getId());
>>>>>>             cometEvent.close();
>>>>>>         } else if (cometEvent.getEventType() ==
>>>>>> CometEvent.EventType.READ) {
>>>>>>             log("Read for session: " +
>>>>>> request.getSession(true).getId());
>>>>>>             BufferedReader reader =
>>>>>> cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest().getReader();
>>>>>>             String line = reader.readLine();
>>>>>>             if (line != null) {
>>>>>> cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse().getWriter().println("servlet
>>>>>> received: " + line);
>>>>>>             } else {
>>>>>>                 cometEvent.close();
>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> ## end comet servlet ##
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