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Bill Barker wrote:
> This would let us 
> see what mod_proxy_ajp is sending to Tomcat (which I very strongly suspect 
> is wrong).

Tomcat should still accept any valid numeric Content-Length header, even
if it exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE. The Java AJP connector currently
requires an int, but should accept something larger (albeit with reduced
support through the HttpServletRequest.getContentLength method).

An end user should always be able to parse their own Content-Length
header for large values. In this case, mod_whatever is breaking the
number. However, once mod_whatever is fixed, the AJP connector will
still trip over the fact that the value exceeds maxint.

(Looks like you have a fix for that. Which connectors does it cover?)

> However, if my guess is right, then the problem is with httpd sending a bad 
> value for the Content-Length header, so you would have to report it over 
> there and get it fixed.  I don't have enough spare cycles to test this 
> myself, but I'm sure that between you and Chris it will get nailed down.

Two mod_jk heavy-lifters frequent the list (Mladen and Rainer). If it
turns out that Daniel is using mod_jk, they should be notified
separately. From Daniel's messages plus the info available in the bug,
it's unclear whether he is using mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp. That
information is important to identify before bothering someone on either
project ;)

This discussion can probably be taken off the mailing list and into
Bugzilla: http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=42608

- -chris
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