hi illja,

On 6/13/07, Ilja S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks a lot for quick reply!
To conclude:
1. stdout can NOT be redirected to multiple files and can be only in one
file (usually catalina.out)

that's right.
the only workaround is to use jsvc
with this you can run tomcat either as a service in windows or as a
demon in unix / linux, and you can redirect stdout / stderr to a file
specified in the start-script.
however, it will still be ONE file each for stout / stderr, meaning
you cannot destinguish between the output of different web-apps

2. All uncaught exceptions / System.out from ALL applications are going
to this one file. And we can not do anything about this.




Use a logger and make ensure clean programming of your applications
avoiding System.out / err. Also handle exceptions using the logger
(Logger.err ("Your warning", exception).


what's puzzlin' you, is the nature of my game
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