Hi all!

I know this particular problem came up many many times here on this list before, but looking through the archived posts nobody seem to know a proper resolution for it.

The symtoms: Apache runs, Tomcat runs, just if Apache requests are forwarded to Tomcat through mod_jk2 (2.0.4, I know its ancient, but this is a production server for which this setup worked over the last year(s)), I get a server error 500 after some time and Apache's error_log contains things like

[Tue Jun 19 10:59:45 2007] [error] msgAjp.receive(): Bad signature 00
[Tue Jun 19 10:59:45 2007] [error] channelApr.receive(): Bad header
[Tue Jun 19 10:59:45 2007] [error] workerEnv.processCallbacks() Error reading reply [Tue Jun 19 10:59:45 2007] [error] ajp13.service() ajpGetReply recoverable error 120000 [Tue Jun 19 10:59:45 2007] [error] ajp13.service() Error forwarding ajp13:localhost:8009 1 0 [Tue Jun 19 10:59:45 2007] [error] mod_jk2.handler() Error connecting to tomcat 120000, status 0

(This is Gentoo 1.4.16 base, Apache 2.0.52, Tomcat 5.0.27, Kernel 2.6.9 on an Intel Xeon)

Restarting Apache or Tomcat didn't work, some poster here said he had to set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL in his environment to get it back to work, but since this isn't set in my environment and it worked before I don't believe to much into this "solution".

The connector is setup on port 8009 and one can telnet to it.

I'll post more configuration files here if necessary, I just don't want to spam my very first post here too much =)

Thanks in advance,



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