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David Smith wrote:

 -- snip --
>>>> Also your log indicates you have packages declared the same name as some
>>>> of your classes.  Modify, MassList, Mass, Adducts, and AdductList should
>>>> be declared to be of package db, not db.Modify for example.  Same goes
>>>> for masIO.FileHandler -- should be declared of package massIO, not
>>>> massIO.FileHandler.
> I think you may be incorrect with this. I have double checked, and they
> are all declared as the correct package and not as package.class as you
> suggest (unless I misunderstand). e.g. at the top of my
> massIO.FileHandler class I have:
> "package massIO;"
> Is this what you mean?
>> Well.. yes.  The error about trying to use a package name as a type has
>> to come from somewhere.  I've never seen it show up unless the jvm is
>> really finding a package name matching the declared type.  Not knowing
>> more about your setup, I'll let you explore that one.

I think this is the root of all my prolems - it would be good if you
could help me to find this problem - I'm happy to post any info you need
in order to help me find the problem.

> Also, one thing that puzzles me, is that this works fine in the tomcat
> installation webapp dir at /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/appname
> But not under public_html in a user's directory.
>> Well... my last thought is there is another webapp of the same name
>> visible to tomcat and there's some confusion about which one is active. 
>> Make sure the one you had in tomcat's webapps directory is really gone
>> and you have restarted tomcat.  Also make sure you don't have a
>> appname.xml file in the conf/Catalina/localhost directory of tomcat
>> conflicting with your webapp in public_html.

This app is from my svn repository and I have a few other similarly
named apps in the tomcat home webapps dir and in my own user space.
Surely, each webapp directory should e totally independent!? Could the
jar files in /home/user/public_html/CIMMS_user/WEB-INF/lib be
conflicting with /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/CIMMS/WEB-INF/lib

I have no conf/Catalina dir at all.

Could you point me to a step-by-step install of tomcat 6 and how to
setup users public_html areas and I can check if I have done this
correctly. It just seems odd that it works from the tomcat home but not
the users public_html area!

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