--- "Caldarale, Charles R"

> I hope you're more careful with proper casing than
> the above would lead us to believe. If the above is 
> really what you put in, it would have no
> effect, since both the element and attributes are
> incorrect.

My casing is AFAIK correct in server.xml, I'm typing
this freehand so I'm more 'lax', rather than cutting
and pasting.

> Does sectionx correspond to a virtual host or an
> application?  

No, I'm only working on the first virtual host at the
moment, I have to get it working on that one first :)

She wants to have her apps for each virtualhost in
respective subdirectories (she has an existing
directory structure she's working with and doesn't
want to change).

The problem I'm encountering is a request to:


will yield an error 400, bad request.

> If application, then the URI received by Tomcat
> doesn't match; enable the RequestDumperValve to see
> what's really coming in.

I placed a:


in my server.xml, but it seems to have no impact on
the output contained in my log file.


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