
Thanks for this - it looks like a very comprehensive guide. I'll have
another go at setting it up later on today and report back.


gbarnas wrote:
> 404's indicate that the file can't be found. IIS needs to be able to "see"
> the tomcat files/folders in order to know to invoke tomcat.. IIS can't
> magically see Tomcat's folders, so you may need to define a virtual folder
> in IIS to the Tomcat JSP files. 
> Have a look at 
>, which is a
> step-by-step discussion of integrating IIS 6 and Tomcat. It may not suit
> your specific need, but if you follow the steps, it should illustrate the
> concepts required for IIS and Tomcat to work together. My how-to will work
> with both the default and specific IIS instances.
> Regards,
> Glenn
> rcgeorge23 wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm having trouble getting Tomcat to serve pages through IIS. I have
>> tried to follow several step-by-step guides online but haven't really had
>> much luck! I've searched through this forum but again, I haven't been
>> able to find anything that's fixed my problem.
>> I downloaded, and
>> followed the setup instructions on the jakarta site. I made a slight
>> modification to the setup script (so that it created the jakarta virtual
>> folder in rather than IIS's "Default Website"), but other
>> than that I believe I've done precisely as instructed!
>> Tomcat is running on port 8080 and when I hit
>>, Tomcat faithfully serves
>> up the page. However when I attempt to hit
>>, IIS serves up a 404.
>> If I look in the IIS log, I can see that IIS is attempting to push the
>> request towards the isapi_redirector dll:
>> #Fields: date time s-sitename s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query
>> s-port cs-username c-ip cs-version cs(User-Agent) cs(Cookie) cs(Referer)
>> sc-status sc-win32-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken 
>> 2007-05-27 11:48:19 W3SVC10769 XXX.XXX.220.132 GET
>> /jakarta/isapi_redirector2.dll - 80 - XXX.XXX.56.247 HTTP/1.1
>> Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+5.1;+en-GB;+rv:
>> s_pers=%20s_vsn_paypalglobal%3D4757241787590%7C1473537542953%3B - 404
>> 1260 1814 525 31
>> I'm guessing it's a problem with the way the dll has been
>> configured.
>> Here is my
>> ==============================================
>> [shm]
>> info=Scoreboard. Requried for reconfiguration and status with
>> multiprocess servers.
>> file=D:\Tomcat 5.5\work\jk2.shm
>> # Example socket channel, override port and host.
>> [channel.socket:XXX.XXX.220.132:8009]
>> info=Ajp13 port forwarding over socket
>> tomcatId=XXX.XXX.220.132:8009
>> [logger]
>> level=DEBUG
>> [logger.file:0]
>> level=DEBUG
>> file=D:\Tomcat 5.5\logs\jk2.log
>> [workerEnv:]
>> info=Global server options
>> timing=1
>> debug=0
>> logger=logger.file:0 
>> # define the worker
>> [ajp13:XXX.XXX.220.132:8009]
>> channel=channel.socket:XXX.XXX.220.132:8009
>> # Map the Tomcat examples webapp to the Web server uri space
>> [uri:*]
>> context=/ols-web
>> worker=ajp13:XXX.XXX.220.132:8009
>> =============================================================
>> I attempted to enable logging to see whether this would give me any
>> clues, but the file I specified (D:\Tomcat 5.5\logs\jk2.log) doesn't get
>> created.
>> Here's Tomcat's context.xml
>> ==============================================================
>> <Context path="/ols-web" reloadable="true" docBase="D:\Tomcat
>> 5.5\webapps\ols-web" workDir="D:\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\ols-web\work" >
>>      <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.SystemOutLogger"
>> verbosity="4" timestamp="true"/>
>> </Context>
>> ==============================================================
>> ...and here's the bit in server.xml where the AJP connector port is
>> configured:
>> ==============================================================
>>     <Connector port="8009" 
>>                enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443"
>> protocol="AJP/1.3" />
>> ==============================================================
>> If anyone can offer any advice, I'd be really grateful.
>> Cheers,
>> Richard.

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