Hi everybody,

I am facing a stress-testing problem using Tomcat 5.5 and Axis 1.4, and I
really need some ideas about what is happening behind the scenes.

This is the configuration: a few web services hosted on Axis 1.4 are
deployed on Tomcat. Everything runs on 2 Linux Pentium 4 machines (with
hyperthreading), one as client using Jmeter, the other one as server.

The problem is that I cannot run as many / time-consuming requests so that
the processor on the server reaches 100% CPU load. It only reaches 90%, so
the measurements for throughput that I  need to obtain by this testing,
cannot be too relevant; I want 100% of the CPU working.

So my question would be  - why is 10% of the CPU idle ? I should mention
that I already did a few performance tweaks, for the JVM memory, and
decreased the connection timeout for Tomcat to a few dozen milliseconds.
Still, it doesn;t reach 100% load, although I varied request message length,
and thread numbers.

If you have any ideas, please help.


Kind regards / Freundliche Gruesse,
Gabriela Gheorghe


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