Thanks for ideas. But the poll is consuming resource even when no messages. Is 
there a way for server to push something to client?

David Delbecq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  If you use Ajax4Jsf, you can use a4j:poll to have a part of your page
refreshed every x milliseconds using javascript. In this part you could
put your code to popup something on B if there are new messages.
En l'instant pr‰[is du 28/06/07 14:36, Dave s'exprimait en ces termes:
> We have a JSF application running on JBoss/Tomcat, and have a requirement for 
> users to send short instant messages. When user A sees user B online and 
> wants to talk with him/her:
> 1. A clicks a button, pop up a window to chat with B
> 2. On B's machine, pop up a chat window.
> How to implement the second? We think about using Applet, are there other 
> ways ?
> Thanks for any idea on how to implement this for JSF application.
> Dave
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