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Parham, Clinton wrote:
> What you suggested initially was that one system be the traffic
> controller and depending on how busy the enrollment server is, either
> send users to it or redirect them to a static 'busy' page elsewhere.
> How were you thinking this communication between the traffic
> controller and enrollment server would work?

The traffic controller and enrollment server can communicate by several
means, including sharing a database (polling) or having a special
communication channel that is not shared with outside users. For
instance, a private web service hosted by the traffic controller that
can accept "send one more client" messages from the enrollment server.

> If I don't include the step of
> checking state on the fly, don't I run the risk of the enrollment
> server being flooded and preventing enrollments in progress from
> completing?

Not necessarily. You can have more than one connection queue. If you use
multiple <Connector>s, you can configure one to be public (this is the
one that becomes saturated) and one to be private (the one to receive
"ready" messages from the enrollment server).

There are, of course, other ways to communicate between applications.

- -chris

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