Can you believe that, IE only allows 2 files downloaded at the same time, and then you have to dig into the registry.... get OPERA ;)
Now that I advertised my favorite browser....
I think its working and I have yet another theory ;)
Modern browsers dont drop the connection, because establishing a connection is very expensive.... so effectively they make a pipe to the server, get the page, then suck down the images, and all the rest of it thru the "same" pipe... assuming that stuff is all on the same server.
Think they call that stuff KEEP ALIVES, in general, its faster.
So in fact I think that software is being very smart... its making one pipe for the browser and all the images and stuff.... and another pipe for the XMLHttpRequest, regardless of how many calls the script makes.... its probably faster than if a connection was made for everything in the web page and every script call.... and when you have 200 people using that page at the same time, I think you going to be very happy its only 2 and not 100 connections per page. Ajax design has to be done smartly.... you have to have something that keeps the users attention while you populate a table are whatever.... otherwise they will get the urge to click again.

So yes try that.... increase the connections on IE.... but I have a feeling it wont change. Or.... get Opera, I think it defaults to 8 connections to one server, and 20 max..... dont think it will change, but you just going to be happier anyway ;)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mirek Kopriva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 3:55 PM
Subject: Tomcat Threads handling user Requests problem

Dear All,
I have a problem when too few (only 2) Tomcat's threads is handling my
First a little background on what I'm trying to do:
I have an web application, which loads a page. On loading the page there are
Ajax script calls (DWR framework),
requesting more data from the tomcat to be included into the calling page

There can be as many as 100 separate requests (not usual but possible) per a
page load via Ajax. Some of those
requests can take a while because of waiting for another application, I'm
trying to integrate with.

Now the problem. I can see only 2 Tomcat Threads, handling all of these
request, which as you can imagine can take a while.
Shouldn't tomcat take a new Thread from the Thread Pool for each Request up
to Maximum? Am I missing some configuration Tricks?
Here is the thread pool configuration taken from the Manager.:
Any Pointers/Suggestions/Tips would be greatly appreciated,
Best Regards,

Max threads: 150 Min spare threads: 25 Max spare threads: 75 Current thread
count: 25 Current thread busy: 4
Max processing time: 226598 ms Processing time: 263.88 s Request count: 75
Error count: 14 Bytes received: 0.00 MB Bytes sent: 15.47 MB
 Stage Time B Sent B Recv Client VHost Request *S* 8775 ms 0 KB 0 KB localhost POST
HTTP/1.1 *S* 2146
ms 0 KB 0 KB localhost GET /manager/status HTTP/1.1 *R* ? ? ? ? ?
? *R* ? ? ? ? ? ? *S* 245751 ms 0 KB 0 KB localhost POST
/cmf/dwr/call/plaincall/FileDetailsDWRHelper.getFileChange.dwr HTTP/1.1 *R*
? ? ? ? ? ?

P: Parse and prepare request S: Service F: Finishing R: Ready K: Keepalive

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