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Please do not post more than once. We forgive spelling and grammar
mistakes. There is no reason to re-post your question with trivial changes.

prt wrote:
> I have Dell PE 2950 with tow Intel xeon dual core 5130 processors.
> I have three tomcat work in balance in mod_jk, and one Apache in front on
> port 80.

Three instances on the same piece of hardware? Why not just run a single
instance? Load balancing doesn't get you anything when it's all on the
same hardware.

> The JVM and the tomcat that i have on the server are 32 bit architecture.


Note that Tomcat is architecture-less. Tomcat is neither 32-bit nor
64-bit. Only the JVM makes these distinctions.

> Is it good to do so or will be better to install 64 bit architecture JVM and
> compile tomcat on the server ?

You should definitely use a 64-bit JVM on your server. You will have
access to much more memory and overall performance should improve
significantly. You do not have to recompile anything. Tomcat should work
exactly as it does today.

> Thank you all for help and sorry about my English.

No problem. My Hebrew would probably be horrible. ;)

- -chris
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