I am unable to copy Tomcat thread dumops when launching it from
Startup.bat from a command window. At the end of the day I do a select
all and copy but it only captures part of the thread dump. Is/Are their
other ways to capture thread dumps from a command (DOS) window? Buffers
are set to 999


I do need a full day of activity.


I've also tried 


Option 1:


Start command window and 'cd' to 'C:\...Tomcat\bin' folder where
'startup.bat' file resides and enter "startup.bat > tomcat.log"


This creates tomcat.log file in the same folder as startup.bat. I have
attached the file which got generated now. The log gets updated with
first 4 lines and that's all. 


Option 2:


In the start->run type "C:\Apache\Tomcat\bin\startup.bat > tomcat.log"
and the log is generated with same output. The log gets updated with
first 4 lines and that's all.




Thank you


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