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Mark H. Wood wrote:
> Wearing my sysadmin. hat:  I would say that it is perfectly okay for
> your install package to *use* its own copy of JRE to run its own copy of
> Ant to install your product.  It is NOT OKAY to leave these behind
> like muddy footprints on the carpet after the work is done.  A proper
> installer should:


I would say that if you are installing "your application" onto a
customer's computer, it's okay to install support software, as long as
it's all in one place.

Take the example of an application that requires a particular JRE
version or a particular Tomcat version (more likely). If you install
everything all at once, but don't interfere with other installs, you
should be okay.

That means that, for instance, you can't truly "install" the JRE,
because that puts all kinds of stuff into the registry, etc. Instead,
you'll have to do the equivalent of unzipping the JRE into a
subdirectory of your own application, and invoking it directly.

This way, you get the version you want (a requirement) and you don't
interfere with the customer's operating environment (always a nice thing
to avoid).

Consider creating an unzipppable-style JRE and Tomcat, and then install
everything all at once, preferable into the same directory. For instance:


Then, you'll always know that the JRE you want can be invoked like this:


Or, if you want to use Tomcat's startup scripts (which is probably a
good idea), you can do this:

set JAVA_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\ReallyCoolApp\Java
set TOMCAT_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\ReallyCoolApp\Tomcat

Now, Tomcat can use the JRE you wanted to use, but you aren't stomping
on any JRE that has been installed by the customer.

- -chris

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