Hi guys,

Being using FTP, thought I would give WebDav a try, but cant get it working 

This is the mapping for the webdav servlet, and this I can get working with IE 
web folders (ms webdav client).... seems to work nicely. 

So I thought, nice, but it overrides the default welcome index.jsp page in the 
browser... so I tried this.


Now the IE browser seems to respond correctly.... ie 
http://localhost:8080/webapp  will give welcome page
and http://localhost:8080/webapp/webdav/  shows the files IN THE BROWSER

But in MS you have to stick the link in a Web-Folder so that you can manipulate 
files, and MS reports this (/webapp/webdav/) as not being a WEB Folder?

So I'm wondering if this mapping is illegal from the point of view of the 
webdav servlet.... or its a problem with MS Web Folders?



Johnny Kewl 
  eMail: John<No Spam>kewlstuff.co.za  -- replace <No Spam> with @ --
  Cell: +027-72- 473-9331
Java Developer (Tomcat Aficionado)
  Free Tomcat software at  http://coolese.100free.com/

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