Yes, you can run Tomcat on port 80. Some OS's (Linux, UNIX) require
the process to have root privs to use port 80.

Most important is to keep your OS and Tomcat up to date and use a
firewall - standard advice for connecting any computer to the

The fortunate thing that I've noticed is that there are very few
attempts to exploit security holes in Tomcat or the Apache web server.
The exploits I've seen in my web logs are targeted at IIS, PHP and
other things. There are security holes in Tomcat and Apache
(obviously, because they keep releasing patches for them) but no-one
seems to bother trying to exploit them. And it's unlikely that the bad
guys will even notice your custom web app (although you should still
eliminate any vulnerabilities that you can of course).

On 7/25/07, Michael McQuade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ummmm, also, can Tomcat be run on Port 80?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael McQuade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 11:38 AM
Subject: Server Security

Hi folks, hope someone can offer me a little bit of advice.....  Im running
Tomcat 5.0.28 on a home server....  I want to allow people to look at a
product I'm developing over the web....  But I am worried about my server
being hacked....  Can anyone offer me some tips on how to protect it.....
I'm not very network saavy.....  Thank-You in advance....


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