Hi Scott,

your post subject is a little generic :)

The code shows, that the various realm classes only log additional things for the following debug values:

DataSourceRealm.java: debug >= 2

JAASMemoryLoginModule.java: debug>0

JDBCRealm.java: debug >= 2

JNDIRealm.java: debug 1, 2, 3, 4

UserDatabaseRealm.java: debug >= 2

For the JNDIRalm possible log statements (without the surrounding context) are (no guarantees):

debug >= 1

"Closing directory context"

"Connecting to URL " + connectionURL

"Connecting to URL " + alternateURL

debug >= 2

"lookupUser(" + username + ")"

sm.getString("jndiRealm.authenticateSuccess", user.username) sm.getString("jndiRealm.authenticateFailure", user.username)

"  getRoles(" + dn + ")"

"  Returning " + list.size() + " roles"
"  Found role " + list.get(i)
"  getRoles about to return null "

debug >= 3

"  dn=" + dn

"  username not found"

"  entry found for " + username + " with dn " + dn

"  validating credentials"

"  validating credentials by binding as the user"

"  binding as "  + dn

"  bind attempt failed"

" Searching role base '" + roleBase + "' for attribute '" + roleName + "'"
"  With filter expression '" + filter + "'"

"  retrieving attribute " + attrId

"  retrieving values for attribute " + attrId

debug > 3

"  Searching for " + username
"  base: " + userBase + "  filter: " + filter

HTH. TC 5.0 now is only under security maintenance. No real chance to get the logging in better shape. If you want to have a look at the class, it is


in a download, resp.


in the subversion code repository.



Scott McClanahan wrote:
I've inherited a tomcat 5.0.28 server setup to use ldap as an
authentication realm.  In the server.xml I see this:

<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" debug="99"

What are valid values for debug within a realm?  Currently a massive
amount of ldap lookup and connection details are being logged and I
don't think it is necessary.  Thanks.

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  • Re: debug Rainer Jung

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