Thanks.  When I use the Tomcat Manager to deploy the war files, it puts them 
under webapps, not under ROOT.  Can I change this?

>>> "Caldarale, Charles R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/31/2007 10:20 PM >>>
> From: Susan Richards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Tomcat 5.5 configuration
> In Tomcat 5.0.28, I had this in my server.xml:
> <Host name="" 
> appBase="/www/apps/tomcat/webapps">
>   <Context path="" docBase="."/>
> </Host>

The above - having docBase equal to appBase - was never intended to
work; that it ever did anything useful at all was an accident.  In
current versions of Tomcat, do not put <Context> elements in server.xml,
and do not use the path or docBase attributes, except in special

> I really want to have 3 domain names on one server and be 
> able to type in all three urls and go to the correct web
> application.

If you mean that the three domain names each have a separate default
webapp, then you should set up three <Host> elements in server.xml, one
for each desired domain name.  Within each <Host> define a unique value
for its appBase directory.  Under each appBase directory, install the
appropriate webapp as ROOT.war or in the ROOT directory (case sensitive
naming).  No filter required.

- Chuck

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