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>> Ouch. Why do you delete the application before you stop 
>> Tomcat? I would stop Tomcat and then delete the files.
> We delete the war file before stopping tomcat to give Tomcat a chance to
> auto-undeploy the application automatically.

Why bother un-deploying and then shutting-down? A shutdown undeploys all
applications, first, anyway. I think you're just complicating the process.

> I just read last night that auto-deploy/undeploy carries a performance
> impact, is the performance impact really that significant just for
> monitoring a directory?

I'm not sure about auto-deploy and auto-undeploy, but auto reload can be
significant. I believe that, by default, Tomcat watches WEB-INF/web.xml,
any JAR file loaded for the application, and any .class file loaded for
the application, for changes. Since Tomcat uses exploded WAR files, I'm
guessing that it watches a /lot/ of files, and it scans then every 15
seconds or so. It also requires memory to store the original file date
for each file being watched, etc.

I have auto-deploy on for production, but I only have 1 webapp per
Tomcat instance, so I'm pretty sure it's not working all that hard. I
leave it on to simplify my deployment (don't have to copy
META-INF/context.xml into $CATALINA_HOME/conf/.../... to deploy).

>> How does this even work? The first line of the script deletes 
>> /home/admin/application-1.1.war and the second-to-last line 
>> tries to copy it back. Shouldn't the file not even exist?
> The problem as I am made to understand from the developers is that the
> context name is dependant on the application name and that specifically
> specifying a context name does not do the trick.

If you are using auto-deploy, then the context name is the WAR file name
without the ".war" extension. So, for instance, foo.war is deployed into
"/foo". The special name ROOT.war will auto-deploy to "/".

> An interesting idea... How would you make your tomcat unavailable during the
> re-deployement of a new application?

While Tomcat is undeploying and re-deploying an application, the
application is already (temporarily) unavailable. Did you need something
more interesting?

- -chris
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