Yes, that's true:

if you use mod_jk and try to change headers via Apache config and mod_headers, you are able to add headers, but not to change or remove the ones coming from tomcat via mod_jk. mod_headers and mod_jk do not interoperate nicely.

In general this will not give a good solution, so a Tomcat servlet filter is preferred in this situation. You must be careful not to end up with inconsistent headers.



P.S.: mod_jk version: on Linux/Unix you can do "strings my_mod_jk_file | fgrep 1.2.' or you can look at the info level log message during startup:

[Mon Aug 06 17:20:36.186 2007] [6568:2806630656] [info] init_jk::mod_jk.c (2775): mod_jk/1.2.25 initialized

(but I'm not really sure since which version this exists).

or you look at the head of the status worker output,

or ... :)

Apache is not overwritting my tomcat headers. Apache
is only appending more headers.

I added something like this:

<Directory "/my/httpd/docs/folder/">
    Header append TODOS_LOS_ARCHIVOS "todos los
    <Files "*.php">
         Header append Cache-Control "no-store,
no-cache, must-revalidate"
         Header append SOLO_PHP "todos los php"

And now, the pages generated by the servlets of my
webapp have ALSO the TODOS_LOS_ARCHIVOS header.
Moreover, they are in a completely different path.

I'm using:

apache 1.3.23
tomcat 4.0
how can i know my mod_jk version?

Hope to make this clear. ;-)

--- Gregor Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

I think you misread your test-results.

We performed the same tests here, and the result
was, that, if you
pass requests via mod_jk to Tomcat as a worker,
Apache HTTPD did
definately not create / touch any headers but uses
the ones returned
from the worker (Tomcat) via mod_jk.


Tomcat 5.5
Apache 2.2
mod_jk 1.2.19

all running on Debian 4.0 (Sarge)

However, we didn't specify the JK-directives in
httpd.conf but we have
own config-files for each of our domains which are
included in

Maybe Rainer (one of the maintainers of mod_jk) is
able to shed some
light upon our heads...



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