On 8/11/07, Susan Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, I just want to say that I sure appreciate all the help I am getting
> on this list and I don't deserve to even associate with highly intelligent
> beings such as yourselves.
> We shutdown and restart our tomcat 5.5.23 server nightly.  Initially, a
> maintenance page for system backup gets copied and then it gets bounced with
> the shutdown.sh and startup.sh scripts.  Since we upgraded last Friday,
> it's not always starting up.  I see this message in the log:
> SEVERE: Error initializing endpoint
> java.net.BindException: Address already in use (errno:226):80
> I've checked server.xml and I only have one connector using this
> port.  Perhaps all the connections are not getting terminated when it shuts
> down?  How do I fix this problem?  How do I figure out what is the cause?

Sometimes, I too faced this prob. I did a work around. Just grep for the
tomcat process id. some thing like,
ps -ax | grep 'endorsed'  //an ugly grep to fetch tomcat process
as you have got the process id now, kill the tomcat as,
kill -9 [pid]

Now start the tomcat.
[also, make sure, you are not running a webserver already on port 80. if you
are running any oracle server, probably it might be starting a apache
webserver on 80, pl check]
Manivannan.Palanichamy (@) Oracle.com

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