Are these lines not equivalent (from my WEB-INF/jsp/another.jsp) ?

<jsp:directive.taglib prefix="foo" uri=""/>
<jsp:directive.include file="/WEB-INF/jspf/somefile.jspf"/>

<%@ taglib prefix="foo" uri=""%>
<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jspf/somefile.jspf"%>

I am getting a Jasper (from 5.5.23) error with the first set of lines, but when I convert to the 2nd the error goes away:

build.xml:248: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: file:/tmp/dist/WEB-INF/jsp/another.jsp(2,18) &lt;jsp:directive.tag directive can only be used in a tag file

I thought the XML notation was valid from all contexts, those being from JSP, from .TAG, from .JSPF, etc... I thought the purpose of the XML notation was to allow recursive bindings so a JSP page could be embedded within another XML document ?

Your thoughts appreciated.


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