Hi chris

Christopher Schultz wrote:
IIRC, JBoss used to use Tomcat as its servlet container. Maybe that's no
longer the case.
it still is. after my post I had a read through the jboss docs, and apparently it uses embedded tomcat internally as a web container, then the jboss code does all the extra j2ee app server goodness.
But I'm a
big believer in FOSS & the community, so I'd love the chance to
contribute something to the tomcat docs, especially if it makes life
easier for other hackers like me...

JBoss counts as FOSS, right?
yup! not criticising jboss at all, and <disclaimer>I haven't used it yet </disclaimer>, but if it already uses tomcat internally and if you're just doing a simple java web app with no ejb etc, then *my opinion* is that tomcat is pretty much the go. Jetty or glassfish may sway me later, but not for a while...
thanks! that's just the pointer I need. Question but, if the war is
outside the auto-deploy'ing webapps dir, then how do you auto-deploy new

You can't. That's one of the prices you pay for playing outside the
rules. I don't believe you can, for instance, use the manager app to
deploy a WAR along with a separate context.xml file.
hmm, ok let's agree to disagree on this point.
You have to do it entirely yourself. You'll have to check, but it's
possible that Tomcat won't even do auto-redeploy if you update the WAR.
There's been a long thread about the (separate) context.xml file being
deleted during auto-deploy of outside WAR files (if I understand the
thread, which I'm not really following). You might want to read through
that for more information.
yes, we got bitten by this. we were pretty stumped until we realised that tomcat auto-deletes context.xml on undeploy. bit of a gotcha that one...
have you ever used OC4J?

Nope. I've been off Oracle since they stopped shipping the JDBC driver
as a ZIP file ;)
that's a bad thing? I was relieved when they changed to a .jar! (around 9ir2 i think they did that..?)
- -chris

ps - nice web site, bet you're glad the kitchens done!

Matthew Kerle
IT Consultant
Canberra, Australia

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Web : http://threebrightlights.blogspot.com/

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