
I'd like to ask a question regarding the log4j jars and how tomcat
treats/handles them.

Tomcat version: 5.5.23
Log4j version: 1.2.5
(I don't think that versions matter here)

If one deploys as follows:
All is well.

But if a webapp is thrown into the mix that comes bundled with log4j as
All of a sudden tomcat gets confused and fails to initialize log4j properly.

My questions to the list are:
a) Why is it that there are many other jars that can be present in both of
the following directories:
    1) shared/lib
    2) WEB-INF/lib
    but never have a problem, whereas log4j breaks?
b) Is it because the log4j.properties file is sitting in shared/classes
thats causing some confusion here?
In the process of writing this email, an idea struck me of having
log4j.properties file in WEB-INF/classes/ as well so I'll go try that and
write back if that resolves my issue but I don't want to delay sending this
email for the experts' responses.

Any help is most appreciated.


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