> Ben,
> So I assume you have two web servers fronting two app servers - or there
> are two servers both of which have a web server and an app server? For
> the restart you talk about - did you restart both web servers? Do you
> have a good load balancer (local director, content director like an F5)
> in front of the two web servers?
> If I am reading your JKStatus text correctly I noticed the following:
> Load balancer value on web server 2
> ----------------------------------- = ~0.56
> Load balancer value on web server 1  
> but
> Number requests on web server 2
> ----------------------------------- = ~0.91
> Number requests on web server 1  
> Now, if I am interpreting the meaning of "load balancer value" and
> "number of reuqests" correctly, that would imply that the number of
> sessions stuck to each app server from web server 1 is very roughly
> twice as high as from 2, but the total number of requests sent to each
> app server from both web servers is very roughly the same. (Can someone
> confirm I'm intrepreting those #s correctly?)

The number of requests is the total since last jk/apache restart. So if
the last restart was shortly before, the numbers will not help. If they
were not reset after the tests, we would know, that Apache 1 had a
little more requests than apache 2, but both of them send exacty the
same number of requests to the two tomcat nodes (delta=1 request).

The V column is the balancing value used to decide, where the next
request goes to. It is the number of requests sent to the tomcat divided
by two once a minute, so it is multiplied by a decay curve. The big
difference between the V values of apache 1 and apache 2 does not
matter. It could simply mean, that the one with the bigger V value did
it's division more recent in time. The V values for the two tomcats are
again very similar on the same Apache, another indication of good balancing.

All his is true for the default balancing method "Requests".

I would suggest first to follow CPU by Tomcat process over the test
period (not per system and not simply as one number, instead as a graph
over time).

> According to the docs, each connect by default trys to keep the number
> of requests sent to each worker the same, which looks to be happening
> reasonably well. (I'm playing with trying the keep the number of
> sessions balanced since our apps tend to be more of a memory issue than
> a cpu issue. There is a setting on the connector for this.)
> With a some info on your setup we can try to figure out the load
> imbalance.
> As a note, I am playing with the jk1.2.x connector, but our productio
> systems use the old jk2.x connector. With that, I've seen a load
> imbalance on the app servers when one of the app serves has gone down
> for a while, and then has come back up. If the connectors are not reset,
> they will try to "catch up" the restarted app server in terms of the
> number of requests it has handled, thus loading it more heavily than
> servers that have been up the whole time.

The catchup problem should be fixed. A recovered or reactivated worker
gets the biggest "work done" value of all other workers, so it should
start normal or even a little less loaded.

> Brian



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