Guofeng Zhang wrote:
Thanks for all the replies about this question.

But I still can not know if it could be solved by tuning the attributes

I read that doc carefully and make some changes to the worker.proerties.
There is no improvement.

It seems that mod_jk try to establish a TCP connection to the master and
failed by timeout (about one minute). Then it forwards the request to
the salve/backup machine.

That is correct.
The reason for such behavior is because one cannot know if the
failed backend is permanently, temporarily disabled or just busy.
So it needs to figure out that by sending a request that can take
up to 1 second if the node is dead. Later you can setup recover_time
for the worker (defaults to 60 seconds) if you need lower recovery
frequency. For example will try to
reconnect to failed worker each 10 minutes.

If you know that your backend will be down for designed amout
of time, use the status manager page for mod_jk and completely disable
desired worker. When it comes online back, re-enable it again manually.
In that case there will neither initial nor scheduled retries.


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